God is not a flake

I want to reach out today and give a message to those of us who are so driven based upon current situation. I have seen folks who have tended to be supporters or “FAM” and when a crisis arises or things didn’t go as they thought, they attempted to discredit me or say stuff about my wife to try and demonize her. I used to get so upset at these things because in an instant people changed on us. It used to make me want to either lash out or stop serving. You can say what you want but we all have feelings and we want to be loved and accepted. I really had to pray to be one who serves through tough times and not just when folks are pouring flowers on you. Some of us are “Super Saints” and “Super Servants” as long as things tend to be moving in our favor. We talk about how awesome God is and how faithful HE is to us when it’s all gravy. Then in our journeys come turbulence. Dark clouds rise and strong winds blow and we then get so caught up in the circumstance that we no longer can hear from the Lord. At that point faith is strained, and we tend to stop seeking God and HIS guidance at that point. Not proclaiming HIS goodness or favor then… Because we never got into HIS word or really took interest in really knowing HIM we find ourselves here over and over again. Well, let me give a newsflash and it comes out of the book of Malachi. It is a word of encouragement. Unlike some folks we know, God isn’t a flake. He isn’t a temporary fan, trying to get all that HE can out of you for a particular season. He is a proven solid, immovable ROCK! If we can only stay focused on HIM and trusting in HIM, our lives wouldn’t be so off course as they are or tend to get at times. He said these words.. “ I the Lord do not Change.” In other words, “ I will not flake on you or leave you out there.” We really need to get to know HIM as our Good Shepherd. We should develop stronger and deeper ties with HIM during times of struggle and pain. Someone going through a dark period needs to know that this period will not destroy you.. God is still God.. Stop making decisions on How you feel and start letting God lead… Unlike the one who let you down or left you hanging. The one who had a change in heart… God said it… HE WON”T CHANGE!

I the Lord do not change. So you, O descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed. - Malachi 3:6

Bless you,


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