Pleasure and Joy... They aren't the same

I was looking at the comparison of two things the other day… I want this to be thought provoking. I am expecting yall to go to my blog page and talk this one up. I am going to talk on the comparison of what I call Jesus Joy and pleasure. So many people get joy and pleasure twisted when there is a difference. Joy is a supernatural thing and pleasure is superficial.. You with me? Ok.. Look over the things that have given you pleasure over the years… Where they constant? Did the source of your pleasures change? I used to find pleasure in video games once upon a time, After a while it got old. I’ve had relationships that gave me pleasure.. They didn’t last. The one thing that has been a constant for me is the joy that I have from God and the things that God has given me as blessings. I also have had some things that gave me pleasure that became excess. I got too much of it.. Too much of the chocolate chips.. Too many crab legs.. You know eating so much that you got sick from them .. To the point that the sight of them made you sick… Some of you would say that you had too much of a girl or guy that the sight of them made you sick.. That is because they were strictly a pleasure and not a joy. (LOL) It could be because they changed or you changed but the joy that God gives never changes because HE never changes.. I hear that song “Jesus the same, yesterday, today, forevermore…..” (By the way, that is scripture.. It’s in Hebrews) The more I sing it, something bubbles up on the inside of me because I truly can relate to the joy that I have.. God did it! My praise has a purpose!… I’m talking a life of bliss.. Someone reading this needs to exchange some of their pleasures for some REAL JOY…The ungodly relationship that you are in is a source of pleasure, presented by your adversary.. They will never produce Jesus joy.. Somehow, you have the pleasure twisted with your concept of joy. They illegal drug that you are so hooked to is a temporary pleasure because eventually, you’ll not be able to get enough to satisfy.. The feeling that the money gives you will only last as long as the money does.. She made your toes curl and he made you shout at the moon but it eventually stopped.. The Henney had you feeling nice last night but the hangover greeted you today…You so enjoyed acting ugly yesterday but for those who know better, guilt greeted you today..Nuff said

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