Don't Get Hung out there!

I was sitting here thinking of our present day generation in comparison to my great grandparents. My great grandparents weren't filthy rich. They worked hard in their youth. No big degrees on their walls. They lived a simple life. Had a little in the bank, nice little home, a decent yard, running automobile and they simply loved serving the Lord. Nothing sexy about their lifestyle at all if most of you looked upon it. I lived with them for 4 years. I was their adopted son, legally. I never needed anything while there and truly wanted for little. I never paid attention to how peaceful life was and how simple they kept it. I worked in their garden, helped plant and harvest. Learned how to cook what I liked, and spent a lot of time in church. My friends all came from common homes with strong family ties. We rode bikes together, played ball, fished, walked the malls and window shopped more than we shopped. We weren't all blinged out. I had maybe a silver chain, but did have my share of parachute pants and skinny ties. An 80's thing. (LOL) Yeah, we had big dreams and goals but most of them were for simple things. One of the things I wanted to do was sing.. I didn't care where. just sing. I look at some of the young folks that I see today. Heck, the grown folks of today. Simple isn't good enough. We are caught up in how much we make or the title which either comes before or after our names. It's all about the "benjamins". Some will sell their souls for the "All Mighty Dollar". Some say "Get rich or die tryin." Some get rich and die after getting it. I want to send a word out to the few that see nothing wrong with the simple life. With a common home. A car that gets you from A to B. Some of you are struggling to make it and you see so many who appear to be living "prosperously" while living so contrary to what God has placed before us. HEAR ME OUT!!!!!! Just keep your eyes on the prize and your hands on your plow. Let me give you a few examples of why you really shouldn't get caught up in them. There was Haman, who prepared the gallows for Mordecai to be hang but in the end it was Haman who heard the death sentence "Hang Him On It!" Read Ester chapter 7. We think the lifestyle of the rich and famous is so sexy but let me remind you of a story about the rich man and Lazarus. I am sure that as one would look upon their earthly lives, no one would initially want to be in the shoes of Lazarus but I am sure that when you see their end, it would change some minds. (Luke Chapter 16). I want to encourage you to dream of success and strive for it. Just don't give up your soul for it. Don't get so caught up in temporary stuff. Enjoy each moment as it arrives.. See the whole picture. Stay true to the calling..This is a journey.. I have given you much to read today but here is my final scripture for this nugget. For those who choose to compromise in order to acquire money, notoriety and fame. Here is a scripture:

Proverbs 24:20 "For there will be no prospect for the evil man; The lamp of the wicked will be put out"

In other words : for the evil man has no future hope, and the lamp of the wicked will be snuffed out!

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