Getting In On the Divine Partnership

Read slowly and try to grasp this. This is for the one who may be in a bad spot right now and is wondering what good can come from it. First things first, a divine partnership with God is a must. It takes one to be submissive and being honest. That in itself is a struggle for most. We are so unruly and our attention spans seem to be way too short. I know someone reading this thinks that they are two steps from glory and this is not for you. If so, just humor me and continue reading this anyway. We all have heard and quoted Romans 8:28 (especially when things got hot), All things work together for good and you know the rest. If not, read your Bibles...LOL..To receive that good takes both consent and cooperation. God isn't going to force you to submit to HIM, but once you do HE has room to work for and through us. At this point HE is able to get good out of any bad situation. To also get some good out of it we must work with HIM. I have teamed up with lots of folks over the years. Had some really good things come out of the partnerships. Then came times where I may have made moves or decisions that weren’t popular, I was treated differently or dismissed. Talking about being in a bad place. But then God would show up and show me the importance of being in a greater partnership. Saying, that here is the scripture that I am using to solidify just what I have said. This is a powerful statement in reference to the divine partnership...

Colossians 1:29 To this end I labour, struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully works in me. NIV

To this end I also labor, striving according to His working which works in me mightily. KJV

Are you in such a partnership with HIM? If not, you might want to consider joining the struggle. His energy will empower us to endure and fight a good fight and finish the long course.

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