How to Receive Healing without the theatrics

Hey Family,

This is for someone reading this today that is in need of healing. I know you have some preachers who ask you to turn a back flip, speak a foreign language and slobber like a rabid dog in order to receive healing. Let me attempt to simplify it as much as I can, without all of the unnecessary theatrics. When I flip the pages of “my” Bible, I saw Jesus heal the paralyzed, a woman with chronic internal bleeding, two blind men, the demon possessed, and the mute and even restore life to the dead. He performed duties of a physical therapist, a gynecologist, ophthalmologist, and even a psychiatrist. Someone needs to know that HE IS A MASTER PHYSICIAN…. Someone struggling, should be shouting right now… Just to know that they have access to such a professional… For Him to perform his medical procedures, he didn’t require so many crazy antics that some in the church require of you today… The only thing that the sick needs to display is faith and humility. You don’t need to be a member of a certain church or denomination, a membership card to some “prestigious organization”, don’t need an insurance card to be seen, or be able to do the splits. Just faith and humility.. Ask the woman with the issue of blood. She had faith and showed humility. She knew that she needed Jesus! We need to believe that God will heal us and admit that we need healing. I mean be desperate for it. Be willing to press through some stuff to get it. Be willing to allow God to make you an example of HIS healing power… Regardless of how people see you.. Be desperate and willing to press through. Have faith regardless that If you can only get to HIM, healing WILL TAKE place.. If your pressing through requires you to do something like asking others to pray for you, repenting of sin, changing your lifestyle, or seeking out the care of a specialist, do that. Don’t place limits on the ways that God can answer your prayers and heal you.
Regardless of your situation, God specializes in it.
Feast on this today: Matthew 9:35-36
Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.

Now… Be healed!

Bless you,
Rev. Bee

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