In The Lab.. Are you passing or failing?

I want to send this to the one who thinks that they are in the midst of a
Big storm and is asking God the Big question of either "where are you?" or
like the disciples asked, "do you care?" It may be because of the attacks of
evil people or you have found yourself in a grave situation. I want to
encourage you that the Lord is just taking you through another class in the
school of faith. This is your time in the lab. In the midst of your
learning, you have become so caught up in your storm that your faith is
wavering.. The Test question that the Lord is asking you is the same one
that he asked the disciples on the ship when they were crossing the Sea of
Galilee. This is the Big Question.. Pass or fail. See, God has instructed
you to move forward (Mark 4:35). To go to the other side of life to greater
dimensions in HIM.. Greater peace.. Greater power. A Greater understanding
of who HE is.. Who you are.. Yet because the storm is great, you have become
paralyzed in fear. Some of you have responded by freezing up.. Others have
chosen to respond in anger and ungodly ways.. Either way, you are stuck in
the moment. You wonder if God can calm your storm or if HE even cares. You
are currently failing my friend. Now He asks the question. Remember, this is
the pass or fail question.. He is asking you "Do you believe in me?.....

(Mark 4:40) And he said unto them, why are ye so fearful? How is it that ye
have no faith?

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