Love that covers

Hey Family,
I have been battling within lately. Talked to several of my spiritual mentors and they all basically shared the same godly guidance. Most of all they shared the message of love with me.  I then was led to the scriptures to see an individual who I never paid alot of attention to.

It really made me want to share this morning with you. I was reading the book of Acts and was looking at Stephen. Such a powerful guy. Wherever he went, signs and wonders followed his ministry.. That is my hope. I want God to do the ridiculous through me. I know that to have such power, it will take me having one key element for sure. The Spirit of Love. That love which is given only by the Holy Spirit. That 1 Corinthians 13 stuff. I looked at Stephen and as he was being stoned by folks that hated them, he prayed for them… Just as Jesus did as he was being crucified. That comes only by the real spirit of love. When you can really love those that mean you no good, then you can operate and have signs and wonders follow you. When you can show love when loving isn’t popular, signs and wonders will follow you. Your love will cover a multitude of sins, to include yours. Look what the love of Christ does for us. You just don’t wake up with this stuff. You have to earnestly pray and wait for it. You won’t have to broadcast that you have it. It will be evident, that it exists in you. Folks who don’t have it won’t understand it. I am learning this every day. that love will attract all kinds of folks. The “good ones” and the “undesireable”. If you are reading this, I want you to know that I love you today. For no reason at all and you cannot do anything to change that.. God did it and you cannot undo it. I recently told my folks that it sometimes seems to be a burden. Because of my love for folks, I can’t sleep at night. Sometimes walk the floor. I see what others cannot see in them.. Why would God give this to me? I have no clue but I am so glad that He did!

I was so moved by this scripture today: I read acts 7:44-60 but here is the scripture that got me today….

Acts 7:60 Then he knelt down and cried out with a loud voice, "Lord, do not charge them with this sin." And when he had said this, he fell asleep