Nevermind Them.....

Good Morning Family,

I want to send out an encouraging nugget today from the Book of Ezra, chapter 6. Let me start here first. I want to talk to the paranoid one who is always being concerned about the folks who are either talking about them or seemingly plotting your fall. GIVE IT A BREAK!! You spend too much time giving authority and credit to folks who don’t rightfully deserve your attention or fears. One thing that I’ve learned in this walk of mine with the Lord is that it really doesn’t matter what people think or say about me. I am not concerned about plots that they made have been working in order to take me down or out. Not concerned about folks trying to discredit me. I think it is so foolish when folks get mad because they hear about folks talking about them. We leave no room for God to move because we feel the need to always defend ourselves and our honor. Let me go to the story. If you all read my last nugget from Ezra 5, you heard about how there was opposition to the Jews building the temple. The opposition even went to the King to stop the building. They thought that they had the power to stop God’s movement. King Darius called for a search for the decree that King Cyrus had given the Jews. If there was no decree found, the work must stop. Well someone found the decree in the archives but check this… LOOK AT HOW GOD WORKS! Darius commanded the very folks who opposed the Jews to assist in the building of the temple. Someone reading this needs to slow down and digest this message. Ready?... God will even use those who oppose HIS people and HIS work to accomplish what HE wants done. He will make your enemy suffer the embarrassment to being the source of your success. God will do the unexpected in your life. You just have to stay focused on HIM and not your opposition. Look confidently upon Him and quit fearing what others can do to you. We give too much credit to the enemy and not enough to God