Relief From Grief

Today I want to speak on the topic of relief from grief. The process is supposed to work like this: So many of my folks are grieving or dealing with grief. So many have experienced the passing of a loved one lately. My best friend from High School just buried his mother. A few of my young folks have seen loved ones leave at early ages , and folks on the job are constantly going to funerals and home going services. You release your pain and losses to God. You come to terms with the past and are supposed to eventually be able to find freedom in the reality of the present. When we bring God in the grieving process we find hope for the future. When we refuse to, we become bitter, hardened and broken, emotionally and spiritually. When my mother passed away, it took me years to go to God and truly cry out for HIM to help me. I would shut down on the anniversary or her passing. 23 December, my family would tip toe around me all day.. Ask every now and then, “Are you alright?” Then I said one day, enough is enough. Over a decade later, I took it to God.. Then on one December 23rd, I sat in my living room and looked at my kids play with one another. I looked at Mommy’s picture on the wall. The one that stares right at me.. I noticed that God had left little pieces of her all around me in my kids. I smiled and a sense of gratitude hit me. I was like God you are soooo awesome. I still miss her. I still cry at her gravesite but I’m alright now. I learned to follow Jeremiahs example of crying out to God. Telling HIM all about my struggles and pains and I have come to see that GOD hears me. I also learned by reading lamentations that it is alright to be real with God. God honored my tears in the end, just like HE did Jeremiahs. Let the first steps of your grieving process begin with you just letting God know all about it. Keep it real. HE can handle it… It is time for someone reading this to finally feel a present day healing coming on and see hope in their future… Let these words soothe you today.

John 14:27
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid

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