Stand Up and Take Action

The situation that I want to help someone put a word on is the weak man/woman complex. You have allowed yourself to be bullied by people who appear to be stronger or better positioned than you are. I got frustrated with my nephew the other week and gave him some stern words. He is a very smart kid. Makes great grades and is an exceptional athlete but he tried to use where he was from as an excuse to say that the big colleges wouldn’t give him an honest look. He totally overlooked the fact that he has been on some very big stages, performing at the highest of levels and succeeding. He just preferred to listen and give into what “THEY” say. It really gets me when my kids wanna tell me what “THEY” say. I don’t care who “THEY” are… It could be the President, a teacher, a coach, a hometown hero.. What God says is all that matters. I have had several people attempt to bury me with their opinions and words. Have had folks try to use their “influence” in attempt to show me how powerful they were. I have also watched God tear so many of them down. All while lifting me to heights that I thought to be so hard to achieve. So, to the believer… If that is you. Enough of the weak minded thinking. The WORD of God tells me that the Lord is the strength of my life and that I will display strength and take action (do my thing and do it well) because I know God (Psalm 27:1 and Daniel 11:32) My daughter Alicia has always been the under dog on so many people’s lists but over the years I have seen God continually do marvelous things through her. Whenever she tries to assume the weak role, I often remind her of the many times when HE has lifted her above the doubters, critics and backstabbers. I tell her that our walk is one of meekness and not weakness. To the one suffering from the weak man/woman syndrome…. Stand up and take action!