
I'm associated with a lot of folks. Some rich.. Some poor. Some well known and some almost unknown. I know a lot of folks who live by the “almighty dollar” or just are all about being noticed. They will do anything for a buck or they believe that as long as they have money they can solve all of life’s problems. Some will even kill for it (physically or verbally kill you) if they find benefit in it.  I have known some financially wealthy people and yet they still thirst. Something is still missing in their lives. How many millionaires have you heard of that become drug addicts or commit suicide? Searching in a bottle, sex, or some prestigious affiliations.. All to attempt to quench this “thirst” that they have, that never really goes away. Yet you find some folks who may not have a lot of financial gain, if any and they have a look of peace about them. They don’t seem to relish on the downfall of others or seem to be trying to step on others in order to get theirs. When I asked them what kept them so satisfied. Even when life tends to throw devastating blows at them and I came to find out that it was them knowing and having Christ in their lives. Now, I don't find anything wrong with gaining financially. I want my family to have as well. I just won't sell my soul for it. God kept me when I had none and protected me when I had more than what I knew what to do with, so I know that money won't make me. During those times, I still had this CRAZY THIRST! The time when I had none or little drove me to the point to where I just had to try Jesus for myself. I didn't just not have money, I didn't have peace, joy or knew REAL love.. I WAS THIRSTY!  Finally, My thirst was quenched and OH WHAT A FEELING! We have so many thirsty folks out there and all we have to do is introduce them to the source that will quench their TRUE thirst. Not all will drink. Some are so addicted to the toxic lifestyles that they lead that they'll die thirsty. But don’t ever stop offering them the opportunity for them to drink of the LIVING WATER… Here is the scripture that grabbed me today. It was so fitting because I have been seemingly dealing with a lot of addicted or thirsty people. Those who are so caught up in themselves, money and vanity. Eventually, if they don’t drink of the Living water, they will die. Let’s just be always willing to offer them a drink of the REAL THING… You can't force feed them but you should always offer.

Here is today’s scripture to my nugget: John 4:13-14

Jesus answered and said to her, "Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again; but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life."

Anyone thirsty?