
I was reading today and had lots of stuff on my mind. Then, all of the sudden I was led to a few scriptures which made me think of the important stuff. We say it all of the time but let me reiterate this... Life is short.. Middle age and old age (If one is blessed to be able to see it), arrives quickly. Also just in my readings, I understand even more that tomorrow isn't promised. As a matter of fact my WORD tells me that life on this earth is like a vapor. James 4:14.. It is TEMPORARY loan from God. Think of how many days we have wasted. God can call our time up, whenever HE so chooses.. One of ours could expire today. How are you living today? Is there any unfinished spiritual business that you need to handle. Is there a relationship that you are letting break down because of your pride and self righteousness? Are you really living life with eternity in your view? Are you ready to see Jesus face to face? Are you ready to see your loved ones leave this earth and have a good feeling about your relationship with them or is it still all about you? Just dare to think.. Tomorrow, you could be staring Jesus in the face, begging HIM to vouch for you before the FATHER..

James 4:14... Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.

It hit me today and causes me to constantly realize that I am just passing through this place. I listened to a song and the singer said " If I've done anything against your will, If I've caused anyone to lay awake at night, to cry lonely tears, to feel misused.... Lord, please forgive me. I look over the many times when I felt and acted like life was all about me and how no one else really matter because I had to be right or win the argument. My way or the highway.. All the hurtful words I've said and hurtful things that I've done. The times when I imposed my will upon others wrongfully, all for the sake of me being "right".. So much wasted time of the little that I have left. Not sure of how long my vapor is to last but I want to look at it in preparation for tomorrow. How do you see tomorrow? Chew on that nugget... psssss. That's the sound of your vapor...