I sent out a Word for those who were dealing with the persecution complex and I want to add more to it if I may. This word here is for the one who has passed that point and has fallen into the defeated mode. You may have said, “ I can’t beat em’ so I may as well join em’.” You may have accepted the inferior mindset that the adversary wanted you to assume. If you are a true believer, it is time for you to wake up that sleeping Giant that resides inside of you. I have had some folks try to bury me in so many ways. I share these experiences with my children so that they can see that they aren’t the first to deal with such people and situations. The mistake would be to believe the hype of the accusers, the haters, the doubters and the attempted spiritual snipers… Because of who and whose I am, people should be very cautious about the way they deal with me and mine. When I have allowed my Lord to fight my battles, I have seen some folks suffer some terrible things for attempting to verbally murder me, kill my integrity, block my ministry, block my progress, tarnish my name, “put me in my place”, harm my family and kill my joy. I mean drastic things happened to them. All while I was allowed to keep moving on. I’ve had folks try to block my blessings only to direct me to bigger ones. I have given my children instances of the things that I have seen and heard some of them that tried suffer. You cannot do God’s people just any ole way… Trust that statement!!! I shared with my children that The word tells us that God leads us in triumph so we need not accept defeat or assume a defeated mentality (2 Corinthians 2:14) Someone who truly knows Jesus as their Lord and savior needs to be smiling because YOU CAN’T LOSE…. To the one who has been trying to get in the way….. BE VERY CAREFUL!!!!!!