Hey Family,

I know it's been a minute. Been a little under the weather and the plate remains full. I want to talk on the subject of surrounding yourselves with "REAL" friends and family.. I had a conversation with a family member of mine. She had a few things twisted in her life. She had been surrounding herself around folks who said that they loved her and had her back. They even did an occasional deed to prove their love and devotion but when you looked at the big picture, they weren't "REAL". They encouraged her to do wrong and immoral things and never loved her enough to back off and let her truly grown in the Lord. They would only tell her when she did them wrong but not encourage her to live a Christ-like lifestyle. Today, I am so grateful for the few "REAL" folks in my life. Those who encourage me to do the right thing and who love me enough to call me out before I go too far in the wrong direction. Those who have prayed for and with me. Those who are there not for selfish gain but just because they love "Bee". To the reader today, evaluate the ones who you say you love or who have told you that love you. They may call you friend, Bruh, Sis, Bae, Boo, whatever.. What type of godly influence do they have in your life. Do they encourage you to do wrong or is it ok for them to treat you wrong? Will they love you enough to call you out, and point you in the right direction? Do they send words of encouragement when you need them most? If they are the toxic one in your life, are they willing to walk away for you to be all that God created you to be? When you act out of character, do they think it's cute and encourage you to do even more? That is as long as you aren't being that way towards them. I again found myself reading David's words today and they made me look at those who have truly been "REAL" friends and family.. You know who you are. I love you.. You not only encourage me when I am doing right, you call me out when I am doing wrong.. I want you to know that I need you and appreciate you.

Here is what I read today:

Psalm 141:5
Let the righteous smite me; it shall be a kindness: and let him reprove me; it shall be an excellent oil, which shall not break my head: for yet my prayer also shall be in their calamities.

Bless you,

Rev. Bee

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