Got Your Back!

Recently, My daughter was dealing with an issue and I heard one of her team mates say to her in her ear, “ I Got your back!” I thought that was so cool. You know the funny thing is with kids and adults I might say, something can arise and the very one who says that, can be the one with issues with you the next minute. So for a moment you find that they don’t have your back. Not saying that this is the case here. I am just looking over my life and some who claimed to have my back, had it for a season. I’m not mad at it. It is what it is. But let me give an encouraging word today to someone who really needs to hear this today. I know some of you reading this are laying on a bed of sunshine and daisies. Just read this anyway. Just in case a stormy day arrives in your life….. I tiptoe on this nugget because I don’t want folks to use this as an out to do wrong. But, I must minister to the one who is asking, “How can God love me?” Chew on this nugget early… God wants us to do good things and be good but he has also already made provisions for us when we fail to do so. Here is the scripture that I want you to feast on… 1 John 2:2 And He Himself is the propitiation (atoning sacrifice) for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world…. Listen, God loves you.. Not because you are so lovable but because it is HIS nature … Your haters or your adversaries will do all that they can to persuade you that you are no good and helpless but you have one standing in your corner.. He canceled the debt of your sins.. No matter what you have done or are doing, God has no reason not to love you. The question is Do you love HIM enough to accept HIM..