Kill That Noise!

I want to attack the “Woe is me attitude.” The one who is feeling like “If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all.” I tried that and it just didn’t work for me. It amazes me when I run into “believers” with that mindset, when they find themselves in the valley or going through a season of darkness or cold. When we allow people to make us want to crawl into a hole and die. Sometimes we are allowed to go through darkness, not as a punishment but in order to learn how to trust HIM and to develop an ear for HIS voice. Sometimes doors are closed in order to protect us or in order to push us to a place where we can TRULY soar. We are not cursed! Stop acting that way or believing that mess! The WORD says that Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law that we might receive His Spirit (Galatians 3:13, 14).. God’s Got a blessing with your name on it. One that is going to blow your mind if you’d only stay the course and stop whining.. Do you really think you are showing how much you trust Him by whining, quitting or acting out? You are not cursed.. That is if you are truly in Christ… Nuff said. Kill that noise!