Expecting God To Do It All

I was able to get into a WORD and have a nugget that I found worth sharing. I often tell my youth and young adults that God doesn't lie. What HE said he'd do for us, HE WILL DO. So many times folks take that as it is totally a done deal. We can pull out the fruity drinks and just chill. Let me expand on this today. Yes, God will do all that HE says HE will but there are some things that HE won't do. This may be a lengthy nugget.. I'll try to keep it short though. As God has set so many of us up for success, we have become in danger of failing, dying, and possibly some folks killing others. How? Glad you wanna know. So many of us have forgotten that we Cannot do what God can do and God will not do what we can do. That's a major NEWSFLASH! I was in 2 Peter 1 and when I got to verse 5, I was drawn to pause on the word "ADD". It meant for us to develop a habit of doing certain things. Seems simple but it can be a hard thing to do. One doesn't easily develop good character overnight, if they’ve been crooked for so long. We can't save ourselves. Only God can do that but God won't give us good habits and make us live right. You may be struggling with addiction. God can heal you but have to make the choice to want help and to stay away from the thing that you are addicted to. Often we will have to cut off things and folks in order to reach our maximum potential. Not always an easy thing to do because of emotional ties. Let's move when God speaks to us and NOT make decisions based on emotion or peer pressure. He has us to act in many uncomfortable situations on faith and faith alone. Once you take the leap in faith, make it impossible to go back in the other direction. Let's learn to trust God at the first sign of conflict and danger. Let's be willing to do the unpopular thing if that is what God is instructing us to do. For those of us who have been trusted with working with souls, let's protect them at all costs. That means sometimes keeping them away from those that you know aren't good for them. In my years of ministry I have seen folks killed in churches because the wrong folks were put into positions for the wrong reasons. I've seen choir directors kill the spirit of the choir. I've seen Pastor's ordain ministers who eventually killed the congregation with their hidden agendas and folks placed over the church offices that ended up stealing all of the churches finances. All because the leader refused to hear from God. I myself have asked God to do so much for me but not be willing to give up stuff that would keep me from not only receiving my blessing but keeping my blessing, after God gave it to me. I have polluted many situations and relationships because I didn't do my part. I thought as long as I showed up did the things that folks could see openly, that I would be ok. Yet all the time God was seeing my true character. It was only after I realized that I need to do my part, to do the things that are pleasing in HIS sight, that I could count on things bearing GREAT fruit. The funny thing is that while doing those things it put me in places where those who weren't in tune with God would question me. That's OK. I finally feel that I am one the road to doing REAL ministry. Just because one goes to church every Sunday, preaches, teaches, or prays in front of folks, doesn't automatically speak well of their character. They may be there every time the church doors swing open but be killing those in their community. They may be poisoning their kids with things of the world. I often say and have said over the years that I just don't trust everybody with the young folks that I minister to. Just like I have heard some Pastors say that they don't just anybody speak in the pulpit because they don't want to be responsible for folks being killed on their watch. Let's work on being trustworthy to GOD. Let's understand that HE can do anything but there are some things that HE just won't do for us.. Here is a part of verse 5 from 2 Peter 1: Add to your faith virtue. In other words along with your faith, be about doing something... Be about it for REAL...... We may be able to fool man, but GOD knows..... I pray that you took the time to read this in its' entirety and that it nourished you like it did me.

2 Peter 1:5 And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge

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