Ooooh! I have a good one for you today. This is for the one who feels like their whole world is being turned upside down. There has been a major shake- up in your life and you are struggling to find your balance. You are struggling to see light. Hey.. I have been there several times and a scripture today made me look back and see that in the end I came out better and God got the glory… I’ve learned over a long period to instead of going into a woe is me corner, to say (and so many times say it aloud to convince myself deep within) that something good is going to come out of all of this because I am gonna stand on Romans 8:28. The scripture I want to share with you comes from Psalm 11:3. It says:

When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?”

I look at it in this way. When things go haywire in a believers life, first what are they going to do but mostly, what is God (The ultimate Righteous One), up to? What is HE about to do? The moment may not feel good or even look good but it will do something good in order for Him to receive glory from my life. Let me say this to the REAL believer.. God is bringing you out and when HE does, don’t see things as they just happened. Some person came along and looked out or some coincidence was experienced. Don’t you dare allow God to be anonymous when it all comes to a head. Give HIM THE Glory.. Right now though, I return to the question, now that the foundations of your world are being shaken, What can the righteous do? One time for your mind….

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