Remove The Veil

In my studies I was drawn to The veil that ripped in half when Christ gave up the ghost. I was drawn then to the veil that Moses used to keep the people from seeing what was passing away. Funny thing about a veil. It really doesn’t keep you from physically getting to something. The veil in the temple was said to be three feet thick. Not something physically impossible to move. But what a veil does is not allow you to have a clear picture of things. When Christ did what HE did the veil was rent in order to let us know that there was no longer a need for separation from God. Yet, so many of us still haven’t made it to HIM. Why? Because we have allowed either a veil to exist in either our hearts or our minds and in some cases both. Some of us have veils in our lives because we refuse to surrender certain things in our lives over to God. Because our vision is clouded by the veil, we think we are living holy because we don’t have a clear picture of what holiness is. Your veil may not be 3 feet thick or 3 inches thick but if a veil exists it still is thick enough to not give a clear picture. We have a problem when we think we are doing it well and when we think we have a clear picture of things and then a situation arises and God shows us a clear picture of ourselves and the view of it is so clear that it is hard to look at. That is when we see God unveil parts of us. Breakthroughs come and strongholds are broken when the veil is removed during the times of tests and trials. So, be honest with yourself…. Is there a veil that needs to be removed in your life? In your heart or in your mind today? Don’t be so quick to say no….. Cause God will reveal it. Among all of the scriptures that I read today, here is one that I want to share:

But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord. 2 Corinthians 3:18

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