Have you been knocked unconscious yet?

Romans 1:1 says that we are separated unto the Gospel.

How many of your workers for Christ are at a point where you say “I am tired”? Any of you feel kind of down because your time to “shine” hasn’t fully arrived? You feel or know that you belong on a much bigger stage or shall I say plain than you are and it is eatin you up? So many break down because of their desire to be “it”, "Big Time" "The Center of attention" for their own pleasure and not truly God’s pleasure. They desire truthfully for God to make them more desirable in their own eyes. If this is you, then you should question if the Gospel of God has truly touched you. Is it more important to for you to be pleasing in your own sight or in the sight of God? How can we expect God to deliver us when we are so focused on us? This walk takes total surrender and abandonment of how we view ourselves. I have been so reckless with my life that I came to see that I have to have the same recklessness when it comes to my surrendering to Christ. We must become more unconscious of ourselves to be more conscious of HIM(Someone missed that..).. That is our calling.. Plain and simple. Hopefully this ministers…. You aint sanctified if you haven't been separated and knocked uncounscious to YOU.