Have You Hurt His Feelings?

I was reading John 14. Jesus was preparing the Disciples for his departure and he was giving words of comfort. And evidently HIS words were not comforting enough for Phillip. Phillip said he needed to see the FATHER. Jesus was irritated by this and asked the question, Have I been with you all this time and you still don’t know me? I look at it as Phillip had hurt the feelings of Jesus. Imagine the feeling, parents of your children forgetting who you are. Here is a story that I want to share. My great grandmother helped rear me. She adopted me when I was a teen. We were really close. I recall getting off duty and driving 12 hours to WVA , from Kansas just to spend a few hours with her and getting back in my car to make Monday mornings Guard mount. She later became stricken with bone cancer. I would come home, and spend time with her and we would forget about the cancer and enjoy each other so much. But then the cancer had spread to her brain. I recall the last time I saw her alive, I walked into her room excited to see her and she couldn’t recognize me. My grandmother, broke down in tears because she knew how close me and her mother were. I was shattered over the thought that my great grandma doesn’t know who I am. I ran out and sat on the porch and cried my eyes out. When she finally recognized that it was me, she had a look of hurt on her face that I’ll never forget. Imagine God being in your presence and you worrying about this, that or the other, Saying Lord, give me a sign or Lord where are you?.. Imagine the hurt HE must feel when He is standing right by your side. Promising, never to leave nor forsake you but you don’t recognize him. Have you hurt HIS feelings recently? I feel compelled to share this message today…Someone needs to know that God was with you all the time. He still is.

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