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Got Your Back! 

Recently, My daughter was dealing with an issue and I heard one of her team mates say to her in her ear, “ I Got your back!” I thought that was so cool. You know the funny thing is with kids and adults I might say, something can arise and the very one who says that, can be the one with issues with you the next minute. So for a moment you find that they don’t have your back. Not saying that this is the case here. I am just looking over my life and some who claimed to have my back, had it for a season. I’mRead more

It Just Won't DIE!!! 

Had an awesome revelation today. The Lord has been dealing greatly with future ministry moves that I am about to make. I need the assembly to bear with me. I have some great news to share. I have been dealing with young people for a long time. So many have come and gone. So many come back to give back in service. I love them all. Once upon a time I would be really bothered when folks chose to move on or “do something else”. I have had folks ask why we have been so successful with reaching the youth andRead more

Stay At It! 

After reading Luke 18, I want to share a word with the one who is reading this and thinking things are bad and getting worse. Read about the persistence of this woman in this story. What I want you to get is be it your job situation, your marriage, your children or whatever. YOU CAN’T GIVE UP! Keep on praying.. Keep on Trusting God and HIS words… Don’t get caught up in what it looks like in the natural. My God has a knack for doing so much behind the scene. While you’re trying to figure it out, God’sRead more

Who's the Greatest? 

Let me start this nugget off with a question…. Who’s the GREATEST of ALL TIME? I have been dealing with a lot of people who tend to be doing their best to prove their superiority over others. Some claiming to be greater than another. I have seen folks in churches, claiming to be of higher status than others due to titles or appointments…. More anointed than others.. Smarter than others… It’s been funny. With my daughter and her basketball future, I have met coaches who claim to be better than others… More…Read more

Getting In On the Divine Partnership 

Read slowly and try to grasp this. This is for the one who may be in a bad spot right now and is wondering what good can come from it. First things first, a divine partnership with God is a must. It takes one to be submissive and being honest. That in itself is a struggle for most. We are so unruly and our attention spans seem to be way too short. I know someone reading this thinks that they are two steps from glory and this is not for you. If so, just humor me and continue reading this anyway. We all haveRead more

Filling That Void in Your Life 

I was in the Old Testament today and came across a scripture that I want to share with those of you who may be filling like you are lacking something. Especially those who are not feeling spiritually full. I want to share something that should add some excitement to your day. I needed this and it came right on time. I was looking at the times when I was feeling that I didn’t have everything that I needed to do ministry or take care of my family or even myself. I can recall having ministry events set up andRead more

Today's Nugget: Get Up! 

I am moved to send out an encouraging word to the ones who feel like they have been simply buried underneath their circumstances and feel like everyone has left them for dead. You know how it is sometimes. When things go sour in your life, folks treat you like you have the plague. SOMETIMES EVEN YOUR OWN FAMILY MEMBERS WILL DO IT. I was rereading about Lazarus. When Jesus arrived on the scene he had been dead long enough that his body had started to decompose. His own sister seemed to not want to be nearRead more

Focus on your own Cup. What God has for you is for you 

I am a guy who simply loves competition. Growing up, I have always loved to compete. In my house, we are all so competitive that a simple game of monopoly, could start a fight. I mean folks will lose sleep over losing.. LOL… Now let me go this way today. I have learned to not worry what people say about me or mine. I have learned to not be watching to see who is plotting or planning to set me or my folks up for failure. I was just saying to a friend that I don’t find it necessary to jump through certain…Read more

In My defense 

I was reading David’s' words and again, a simple verse ministered to me oh so strongly today. Ever felt like the world was against you? Because you chose to do as God has led you, others who cannot comprehend, tend to conduct a witch hunt? So many times my instincts have been to buck up and fight force on force. So many times those actions set me back.. Then I learned to not move on my emotions but by the leading of God's spirit... Still yourself right now... This is for someone reading this thing. I amRead more

Avoiding Infection and Disease 

I was reading my WORD and it so hit “ME’.. I am hoping that this is for someone reading this. It is funny how something that is good and beneficial to some can be bad for you. You hear stories of folks that live to be 100 and they say the only thing that they’ve done is smoke a cigar all of their lives. Well we all know that smoking is supposed to shorten your life. Let me use a better example of two. Penicillin has been used to kill disease and bacteria for years, but when given to my son when he was…Read more

You Have The Power.. Now Use Your Authority!  

I wanna give someone a nugget to shout on today! This is for the one who has the identity crisis or you have just simply forgotten.... Newsflash... Through Christ, you are a Force to be reckoned with! Fit for any fight.. And a demon killa! We have inherited the same authority and power that Jesus gave his disciples in Luke chapter 9. The WORD says that HE gave them power and authority over ALL the demons... Authority meaning the right to rule.. Just like a cop has the right to pull over a reckless driver,Read more

Do you Have a Clue or are you clueless? 

I talk to a lot of youth and young adults and I like to inquire about their plans. I let them go on and tell me of their dreams to be a professional this or that. Their plans for financial freedom and wealth. Then I ask the question. "What else?" Ooh. That gets them every time. I then ask the question of "what if you don't achieve those goals, what then?" I must say that any answer they give me to an extent is ok. At least they are dreaming or have some kind of vision. I get frustrated at the ones who haveRead more


I know that we all have done some awesome feats in the eyes of others and sometimes in our own sight. Let's not get the gas face thinking that we deserve such a title as "awesome". Yeah, some of you may have 6 figure salaries, be debt free, pray till the building shakes, sing or play an instrument and folks flop like fishes at the sound, have a fine family and material "stuff". But which of us can roll back the sky, create a universe, suffer, die and rise from the dead to redeem man? I'm not trying to crushRead more


I was sharing this message with and read yet another familiar scripture. Matthew 6: 33 and for those who don’t have their Bibles out, it say: Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (NIV) I looked at the word “Seek” It means to relentlessly pursue.. Go all out in order to get. In this case it means to go all out to allow Jesus to be Lord over your life and the righteousness that is needed for you to live a life that pleases God. If you do that GodRead more

What Are You Passionate About? 

Today’s nugget came from my reading of Nehemiah, Chapter 2. Nehemiah heard the news of the walls of Jerusalem being in ruins. This truly disturbed him. So much that the King, who he was a cupbearer to, could plainly see his sorrow. The King granted Nehemiah a request and Nehemiah was prepared with a clear plan of what he wanted to do and how he planned on getting it done. Nehemiah wanted to rebuild the wall. He gathered other skilled and passionate men. They went to Jerusalem and encouraged the inhabitantsRead more

What Does Love Look Like To you? 

Hey Family,

I know you hear folks telling you that they love you. He said it to you... She said it.. You believed it.. Then you were disappointed. You even told the lie.. I don't think you meant to lie.. Let's look at a great description of love... Maybe this will help.


Love is patient and kind.-Does that describe you? Are you ever impatient with you spouse, kids or those close to you? With that cashier who is moving slow or struggling to get your change right? With the waitress who…Read more

Nevermind Them..... 

Good Morning Family,

I want to send out an encouraging nugget today from the Book of Ezra, chapter 6. Let me start here first. I want to talk to the paranoid one who is always being concerned about the folks who are either talking about them or seemingly plotting your fall. GIVE IT A BREAK!! You spend too much time giving authority and credit to folks who don’t rightfully deserve your attention or fears. One thing that I’ve learned in this walk of mine with the Lord is that it really doesn’t matter what
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Handling the Pressure 

I am a basketball nut... One of the things I like is a strong defense.. Ask the Leavenworth Lady Pioneers what got them a State Championship and anyone who knows basketball will tell you it was DEFENSE. Nothing like putting the pressure on the opponent and watching them crumble. Alot of folks talked about the fact that we had four six footers but the real basketball fans talked about the teams defense.  Here is my nugget for today.

Was reading Ezra 5 and it talked about the building of the 2nd temple which
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Who Are You Rallying Around? 

I was reading 2 Chronicles 35 and out came today’s nugget. It talked about King Josiah. Someone who dared to do what God wanted him to do. One who didn’t make excuses or exception. When he took over as King he commanded his people to celebrate the Passover to the Lord for the first time in a long time. His compassion and commitment to the Lord was viral.. It moved his people to live holy and righteous lives. It made those who didn’t want to live holy want to stay out of his way. See we need to understand…Read more

Dealing with Pride and Ungodly Counsel 

Hey Family,

Today I read 1 Kings 12. It talked about the transition of a United Kingdom which sat under Solomon being divided into 2 kingdoms. Israel (10 tribes) up north and Judah (2 tribes) in the south. It also talked about how after the death of King Solomon, his son Rehoboam rejected the wise counsel of Jeroboam. Rehoboam foolishly listened to those who proclaimed to love him and be his true friends. All they were really doing was giving shallow advice and appealing to Rehoboams’ pride. Following such
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In It To Win it  

Each of life’s tests is a training session, to build your endurance. Deal with it! Get your workout on! Don’t quit. If God has shown you a land of promise, you will need endurance to get there. This is something that I am often reminded of. Being tested in this area right now. To my haters and any opposition that may come my way.. I was built to last! To my family and friends who are going through a storm or tough season.. You must endure.. God’s Word says “For you have need of endurance, so that after…Read more

The Value of a DAY 

I woke up early this morning thinking of and missing my Great grandparents, William and Gertrude Brown. They taught me so much through their words shared with me in my teen years and by how I witnessed their living. Before I knew about Real love, my grandfather would share nuggets with me. I guess he was trying to prepare me. He mentioned the importance of a day. He often let me know that if we wasted one, we could not go back and get it or fix it. When he prayed and I heard them, I often would cry because…Read more

Prove Me.. 

Good Morning family,

I am so thankful for the Holy Spirit! It is amazing how God’s promises never fail or fall short. I was needing a word for my spirit this morning. I have so much to be thankful for. Yet, I felt really HEAVY..I was in the car with my girls this morning and as I’m talking to them, I am like “Lord, I am trying my best. Is it good enough for you? If it isn’t, please show me the way. “ I really want to be what HE wants me to be 1st and foremost. I often pray over my young folks and ask God to
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Are You a Dead Sea? 

I want to see if we are willing to pull up our mirrors today and look into them. How you livin? That was a Bernie Mac line, I think. I know folks that believe success is based upon all the stuff that they can get. Some acquire fortune and notoriety. Some have had fly girls and guys on their arms. Nice houses and cars.. Then, when you see them in the quiet time, they aren’t truly happy. They have to try to find something or someone to hopefully fix their itch. Yeah, they love their possessions but have no…Read more

Pay It Forward 

Hey Family, On here there are several who are grieving, sick, or just going through a rough time. I am wanting to reach out this morning to grab the attention of the one who says “today, I am doing well.” I encourage you to reach out to those who are hurting and in need of some kind of healing today. You have been there before and may be soon there again. Only God knows. Let me drop this on you. God didn’t bless us because we were better than someone else. He did it to equip us to comfort and encourageRead more