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A lesson on mountains and valleys 

I was in Mark 9 and after being in the valley for 6 days, Jesus took Peter, James and John and led them up on a mountain. Up there they got to witness the transfiguration. The disciples enjoyed the experience but soon after was led back down the mountain and back to the business of ministering to the people. I am sure that they would have loved to stay on the mountain but there were folks in need of healing awaiting them as soon as they descended. I want to minister today to the one who considers themselvesRead more

Wait for as Long as it takes 

I have a feeling that someone reading this will need this nugget for nourishment. I love the Psalms. I can really relate to David in so many ways. Today's nugget is for the one who has been asking God the question... HOW LONG?.. Maybe you are tired of struggling financially, in your marriage, Waiting on your kids to get it together. Maybe you are a part of a ministry that seems to be going nowhere but you know that you have been sent there for a reason that is significant. Done all the schooling and now…Read more

Let Us Pray! 

Hey Family. I want to talk about being more effective in prayer. When seeking prayer partners, do you intentionally seek out true believers? You should. There is power in agreement. Remember 1 sends 1000 to flight, 2- 10,000. It is also very important to be in agreement in your spirit. You cannot pray effectively if you are distracted and focusing on the next words that are to come out of your mouth. Ever heard someone fumble through a prayer? Hard to stay with them. Isn’t it? I have sat through some…Read more


I have a very good friend and brother named Reggie Inabinett. I am going to steal his copyright on a phrase that he used to always say to me. “No Pressure!”.. Reggie and I traveled the world together, worked out together, broke bread together, shared stories and counsel. He is one of the Realest brothers that I know. That is why I consider him family. Today when I was reading a scripture, as it ministered to me, I kept hearing Reg, saying “No Pressure”. See that Reggie, you are ministering today… I want toRead more


How many of us have looked back over our lives and broken out in a sweat when we see a situation or time period that we didn’t see a way out of? I was sharing with a friend of the times that God reminded me that I needed HIM.. I was being faced with situations that were too hard for me alone.. I was faced with tests that I could not pass alone.. BUT GOD! He stepped in every time.. HE makes this weak vessel strong! HE carried the load for me when needed. His Spirit spoke guidance to me… I often look back andRead more


I am led to give an encouraging word to someone dealing with sickness. Regardless of what it looks like, God will be your healer. A dear friend of mine left this earth a few days ago after a long battle with cancer (Rest well Tonya). A lady who I consider one of my moms, also recently passed away due to a long illness (Rest peacefully Lois). My Step mother left this earth after dealing with her body just wearing out (Sweet Dreams, Ma Ella). Somebody reading this is so sick and tired of being sick. If youRead more


Today I kinda was led to bounce around in my WORD and with all that is going on in and around my life, I heard a word that just said to “remain true.” Regardless of how you are looked upon, remain true. Don’t try to be a daredevil or play the role of a super saint… Remain true. Don’t allow tradition to bind you or create a barrier between you and the spirit of GOD… Just remain true. I looked at Abraham and I looked at Peter. Peter wanted to come off as a super saint. Saying things that he thought that wouldRead more

To See HIS Face! 

I was thinking of my loved ones who are gone on. Thinking and hoping to see them again in paradise. A place where no suffering takes place. A place where one doesn't grow old. It made me think even deeper...Today, I was thinking of just the honor of seeing God’s face one day. I sat at my desk and literally teared up at the thought. I am told and was taught that not being able to truly see HIS face on earth is a curse and a blessing. We are not able to see Him in our present sinful state. I am told that if…Read more

Remove The Veil 

In my studies I was drawn to The veil that ripped in half when Christ gave up the ghost. I was drawn then to the veil that Moses used to keep the people from seeing what was passing away. Funny thing about a veil. It really doesn’t keep you from physically getting to something. The veil in the temple was said to be three feet thick. Not something physically impossible to move. But what a veil does is not allow you to have a clear picture of things. When Christ did what HE did the veil was rent in order toRead more

A Meaningful Life Worth Living 

I really hate piggy backing on the latest news when it comes to sharing a message with my folks. We have enough preachers and philosophers doing that every day. In the news lately we are seeing so much death. Suicide… So many debates about that ( I see it all over Facebook since the Robin Williams news)… Murder… Need I say more?... Civil unrest between the authorities and the people…. You see where I am with this… Well, I just want to talk about life in general. Guess what? We all are going to die one day.Read more

A Blessing In The Mourning 

I revisited the Beatitudes and looked at the one about mourning…. It reads simple. It says that “Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.” Matt 5:4. I was led to look into it for a deeper thought. I’d like to share this with someone. How does this sound? There is a blessing for those whose hearts are hurting, for those who are suffering in this world and for those who are also truly sorry for their sins and unworthiness before God. They will find comfort and joy in God. Looking at it thisRead more


Ooooh! I have a good one for you today. This is for the one who feels like their whole world is being turned upside down. There has been a major shake- up in your life and you are struggling to find your balance. You are struggling to see light. Hey.. I have been there several times and a scripture today made me look back and see that in the end I came out better and God got the glory… I’ve learned over a long period to instead of going into a woe is me corner, to say (and so many times say it aloud toRead more

Relief From Grief 

Today I want to speak on the topic of relief from grief. The process is supposed to work like this: So many of my folks are grieving or dealing with grief. So many have experienced the passing of a loved one lately. My best friend from High School just buried his mother. A few of my young folks have seen loved ones leave at early ages , and folks on the job are constantly going to funerals and home going services. You release your pain and losses to God. You come to terms with the past and are supposed to…Read more

Expecting God To Do It All 

I was able to get into a WORD and have a nugget that I found worth sharing. I often tell my youth and young adults that God doesn't lie. What HE said he'd do for us, HE WILL DO. So many times folks take that as it is totally a done deal. We can pull out the fruity drinks and just chill. Let me expand on this today. Yes, God will do all that HE says HE will but there are some things that HE won't do. This may be a lengthy nugget.. I'll try to keep it short though. As God has set so many of us up for success,…Read more

The Real Measuring Stick 

Today I wish to touch the topic of comparing ourselves with others. It is so easy to look at someone that we consider to be a heathen or jacked up. When we measure ourselves to them we often find it easy to consider ourselves to be Super Saints. We tend to puff out our chests and place ourselves at the table sharing a meal with Jesus himself. Yeah, I know I am stepping on some toes of the self righteous this morning but don't get mad at me. Blame the WORD for convictiong you today, that is if you're heart…Read more

Great God Almighty! 

My nugget for today is for those that are feeling swamped by your problems or situations. We tend to let “things” alter our focus. So much to the point to where we become blinded to just how awesome and capable God is. We tend to not see HIM as a trouble settler, a provider, a healer, a way maker… I was driving home the other week and looked at the beautiful landscape of the country along with the awesome colors that the sky had that day. I was like WOW… Look at God! First who woulda thought that this kidRead more

Your Closing Thoughts 

I wanna try to help someone today who is suffering maybe from nightmares, bad dreams, or evil thoughts at night. You wake up stressing over bills, no satisfaction in your marriage, or job. Maybe you wake up mad at the world or worried about your children or health. Sick and tired or tired of being sick. I read psalm 4 and I felt the need to share this one. Typically the last thoughts that we have before going to sleep are so powerful that they often determine where our subconscious goes. This is a perfectRead more

Kill That Noise! 

I want to attack the “Woe is me attitude.” The one who is feeling like “If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all.” I tried that and it just didn’t work for me. It amazes me when I run into “believers” with that mindset, when they find themselves in the valley or going through a season of darkness or cold. When we allow people to make us want to crawl into a hole and die. Sometimes we are allowed to go through darkness, not as a punishment but in order to learn how to trust HIM and to develop anRead more

You Are More Than That 

Time to get a Word on another mindset that so many carry. Talking about the one who is having a hard time letting go of a momentary setback. You may have seen it as a failed attempt, missed moment. Folks around you may be quick to point it out to you over and over again. I have been there so many times and the funny thing is the folks who said that they cared about me most were the ones who seemed to like to remind me of those moments. If you are finding yourself there and are beginning to fall for the lieRead more

God's Got You! 

Today’s segment of putting a Word on it came from a conversation that I had with my daughter yesterday. She was feeling as if the world was closing in on her. She felt persecuted from different sides. She even gave me some pretty good examples of some of the things she is and has experienced with different people. I had to take her out for a ride yesterday and we just chopped it up. Some of it was legitimate. Some of it was her emotions being caught up. That leads me to giving this to the one who has thatRead more


I want to send out a nugget to the one reading this who had begun a great work and for some reason stopped. You may have been chasing a dream and quit because of obstacles or lifes occurrences. You may have been looking at a God given vision and because you didn’t see the logistical means to go forth, you stood and yet stand still. You may have allowed the logic of church folk or educated people to talk you down off of the mountain. You may have let past failures be the reason why you won’t push towardsRead more

For No reason At All 

As I read John 10:28 I received even greater revelation on the Love of God that I felt compelled to share. I have touched on this topic some before but feel the need to share again and hopefully issue out a nugget that you would consider fresh and nutritious. I want to reach out to the one who feels that they have fallen out of God’s graces because of their actions. I have come to find that God is so much not like us. So many of us love on condition and circumstances. We fall in and out of each other’sRead more

Protecting The House From The Inside Out 

Today, my prayer is twofold. I am praying for our young folks. I was riding with my youngest a while back and really painting the picture of the enemy’s attempts to kill them off. He is getting at them at a rapid rate. Parents are sleeping on the tactics and are walking around like all is well. IT IS NOT WELL! Every week I hear of some child committing suicide because of “bullying”. Children are listening to the voices of others, telling them to kill themselves… Evil is ever present in our schools and weRead more

A Cure for your Amnesia 

I often tell my young folks of one of my missions when it comes to them. I want to make sure that they never struggle with their identities. If we don’t know who we are, folks will easily be able to persuade us into being who they want us to be. Situation and circumstance will dictate who we become. Failures will dictate who we are. I don’t want my folks to feel that they must find their identities in Money, civic organizations and deeds that are not godly. I do must best to paint the picture with scripture…Read more

Passing the Tests 

Dropping a quick nugget because this thing just ministered to me in an awesome way.. Have you ever had one of those weeks in which you were like “now what?” ”What else is going to hit me?”. I can recall several times in my life where I would look at such times and want to challenge God to prove HIMSELF to me. I know some of you have said before, “Lord send me a sign..” Seems as if we are always trying to put God to the test when we are not willing to face a test. That thing just hit me again as I am typing…Read more